Friday, December 15, 2006


Sucre, Bolivia's prettiest city. An example of some colonial architecture which is evident everywhere in the city.
Getting up in Backpackers Sucre, 'fresh' for some Spanish lessons.
Ruins in Samaipata. Bunch of stones.
Beat takes five.
Me at one of the Las Cuevas waterfalls in Samaipata.
The other waterfall. Pretty nice, don't you think?
"Woah-woah-woah, mysterious girl, I want your..." That video was in a waterfall, right? If you squint hard enough you can see Peter Andre in his mid 90's heyday.
Hmmm, another little waterfall in the jungle in Villa Tunari.
This was taken just before me and Indy found the Golden Indian Head and he was crushed by a giant boulder.
Beat makes a new friend.
I think this monkey just looks really funny. Look in his eyes!
This monkey is one of the cutest things I've ever seen.
Villa Tunari at sunset...

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